Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Exhausting Week

Last week had to be one of the most draining weeks on record. Work volume, combined with hot weather, the stresses of preparing for a child and dealing with office issues, crushed me. This emotional proving ground reminded me of winter training when I rowed at CU-Boulder, in that each day repeated the misery of the one prior. Alright, "misery" is a bit much, but it seemed fitting at the time.

So how did I get out of it? I gambled. My photographs were not as successful as I wanted, but gaining peace of mind through risk taking was a worthwhile endeavor. I had a few small victories, that were the bumps necessary to rise above such emotional quicksand, but the will to push even harder gave me the most satisfaction.

Some of you might know that journalism has a tendency to make people salty. I'm not ready to head down that path just yet. I still get a rush from showing up at an assignment and making photographs. I still love asking questions, and the feeling I get when actual photojournalism is accomplished, instead of simply showing up to push the button. The more I remind myself that I make photographs for a living, the more I succeed.

With that, I bring you a photograph of a rookie firefighter who kept going and going, and found refreshment in the simplest of ideas.



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